
APhA Licensed Partner Program

Many APhA certificate training programs are offered under license agreements with other organizations, such as state pharmacy associations, colleges and universities, and pharmacy chains. This agreement allows the organization to host the APhA certificate training programs.

  • To Register for a Program – Below is a list of organizations that host the APhA certificate training programs at various times throughout the year.  These programs are open to all pharmacists. Please contact any of these organizations to inquire and register for any possible upcoming programs. Inclusion on these lists do not guarantee a program is currently scheduled by a specific licensed partner.
  • To Obtain Course Material – Once registered, the host organization will provide you with access to the course materials.
  • Cost of Program - Prices vary according to the host organization. 
See Complete List of Licensed Providers

Refer all changes to any of these lists to APhA Education.

If your company or organization is interested in offering any of these certificate programs to your pharmacists, student pharmacists or pharmacy technicians, please contact Chris McKerrow. Be sure to let us know which program(s) your organization is interested in licensing.
