
Well-being Index for Pharmacy Personnel

Well-being Index for Pharmacy Personnel

The Well-being Index for Pharmacy Personnel is APhA’s research-validated online tool, invented by Mayo Clinic, that evaluates your fatigue, depression, burnout, anxiety, and stress.

What do you learn when you assess with the WBI for Pharmacy Personnel?

The WBI for Pharmacy Personnel measures the 9 dimensions of distress and provides you scores and resources for each.

What are these 9 dimensions?

  • Likelihood of Burnout
  • Meaning in Work
  • Severe Fatigue
  • Work-Life Integration
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Risk of Medical Error
  • Quality of Life
  • Risk of Leaving Job
  • Overall Well-Being

How does the WBI for Pharmacy Personnel work?

  • Complete your online profile
  • Answer 9 short questions
  • Takes just five minutes to complete
  • Assess as often as you like to track your well-being over time. This is not a one-time survey!

Is my assessment and scores private?

YES! The Well-being Index for Pharmacy Personnel is 100% anonymous and confidential. No one has access to your assessment answers or scores.

Is there a fee to assess?

NO! The Well-being Index for Pharmacy Personnel is free. And, you do not have to be an APhA member.

Ready to Assess?

Assess Now 

Invitation Code: APhA
